Formlify for Australian Finance and Insurance

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Your organisation

You are a COO, CMO or CXO for a financial institution, firm of advisors or brokers or an insurance provider. You connect with your customers via retail outlets and online services, and you provide many financial, investment and insurance products to business and consumer customers.

Your responsibilities include:

  • Delivering quality products and services to your customers
  • Marketing your organisation’s products and services
  • Keeping your customers’ data safe from intruders and guarding their privacy.
  • Ensuring compliance with government and industry regulations
  • Making sure all staff operate in accordance with your organisation’s protocols.

Your Challenges

Your operating environment is dynamic and competitive, with frequent changes in government legislation and market conditions. Also, your industry is supervised and regulated by APRA, ASIC, the Reserve Bank and the Treasury, and you must comply with many standards, such as PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). 
You can’t respond to change or opportunity as quickly as you’d like with constraints like these. For any change or new initiative, you must consider the impact on customers and affiliates like brokers and advisors. Your IT systems are not as adaptable as they should be either and impose other constraints.
To get around these constraints and meet new demands or unexpected events, staff sometimes create new forms and Excel spreadsheets on their PCs. This has filled gaps, but has added complexity, inconsistency and risk, especially as these user-based tools are outside your enterprise systems.

Your Options

1. Improve your existing systems
Your IT systems form part of a complex network and can’t be easily changed to meet new circumstances. Legacy systems are used in some areas and these are even less flexible. Your IT staff is stretched keeping these systems operating, while dealing with not infrequent attempts by hackers to access your customer and credit card details. You could add point solutions, but that will likely add more complexity and management cost. This is your best option if cost and complexity are of low concern.

2. Use a simple form builder
Your most urgent need is to generate new forms in response to new initiatives or regulations and, in part, simple forms can help: they’re easy to use, but usually can’t cope in complex situations. In general, they can’t accommodate more than basic conditions, don’t offer much flexibility or control of design, approval or publication. Most importantly, they won’t integrate with your other business systems or databases, so one of the major benefits of web forms – pre-populating them with data from other business systems – will remain elusive. This is your best option if you only need simple forms and integration is unimportant to you.

3. Use a high end, enterprise solution
There are more powerful and feature-rich solutions that deliver all the benefits that automated online forms can deliver. However, these extensive feature sets are often well in excess of needs and come with price tags that are unattractively high, including for each additional function like compliance. The comprehensive functionality can make these solutions hard for your staff to use, even after extensive training, which can impact staff responsiveness and productivity. This is your best solution if price and complexity are of little concern.

4. Use a feature-rich, cost-effective solution
There is a choice between the two extremes: intelligent, purpose-designed form-building software with built-in workflows and conditional logic that are cost-effective and easy for your staff to use. They let you design, validate and view new forms as soon as they’re needed, and let you control who has access, publication rights and more.

How Formlify can help your Financial Institution

Formlify is a purpose-built, smart web form builder from CIBIS, an Australian leader in business management software development for over two decades. Formlify was designed to deliver advanced enterprise-grade functionality for Australian organisations, without the enterprise price tag.

Easy operation and full control for your staff:

  • Intuitive ‘drag and drop’ forms creation, without the need for coding or help from IT
  • Unlimited fields, statuses, logic flows and vertical layouts, including your corporate branding
  • Advanced workflows linked to forms, giving you infinite control, variety and flexibility
  • Conditional logic so staff or customers see simpler forms, with only fields relevant to them
  • Notifications sent based on form submission, state changes or workflow step.

Convenience and confidence for your customers and affiliates:

  • Forms that are attractive, intuitive, pre-populated and fast to fill
  • Ability to partially fill forms via smart mobile devices, and return later to complete them
  • Ability to add images, notes or signatures to your forms, so you can complete the picture
  • Marking of sections as confidential or redacted (such as credit card details) so privacy is preserved and PCI DSS requirements are met
  • Integration with your payment gateway to facilitate customer transactions through forms.

Better control and greater productivity for you because of:

  • Increased levels of self-service for customers and affiliates
  • Reduced overheads for compliance and risk management
  • Closer integration with internal system s and processes
  • More flexibility to take advantage of emerging opportunities in the market
  • Hosting and support is taken care of by a trusted, long term, local provider.

If Formlify sounds like the advanced, flexible, cost-effective online form-builder you need to streamline your operations, please contact CIBIS.

Get Started with Formlify

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